The Dreaded Swimming Lessons

I love swimming, and so does my daughter. From these two statements, you might assume that we would adore swimming lessons. You’d be dead wrong. When my daughter was a toddler, I decided that I would inspire myself to get out of the house and sign up for some swimming lessons at the local pool. While I thought that baby and toddler swimming lessons were a little silly, I figured that having a particular time scheduled for swimming would help my sorry self get to the pool. We enjoyed the lessons until the instructor decided that all of the toddlers … Continue reading

Going to the Pool

How old was your baby when you first took him swimming? Was it a positive experience? Summer is approaching, and we just bought our baby’s first swimming suit. The purchase may have been unnecessary, but we really enjoyed picking through the adorable styles and prints. When we arrived home, I started thinking about whether our baby would ever enter a pool or lake this summer. I don’t hesitate to bring her in the water because of fears that she will drown. We’ll always have two adults around at all times (one holding her, one there on the rare chance that … Continue reading

Cool Mom Moments

We all have our moments of parenting failure. Do you have cool mom moments? Cool dad moments? What do they look like? Today I had an atrocious headache. I finally resorted to taking some painkillers, and all I felt like doing was sitting on the couch sitting vacantly at the closest screen. Heck, even a wall would have done the job. Of course, being the parent of a preschooler means that you’re not really allowed to be out of commission for long. In desperation, I must confess to grabbing the closest bar of chocolate (ok, there was only one) and … Continue reading

Harnessing the Hamster: Preschoolers and Sports

Small children are amazing in their energy output. Often, I am tempted to put my daughter into an oversized hamster ball and use her to power my kitchen. Perhaps I could automate the snack-making process. Hmm, now there’s an idea! Over the last four years, we’ve registered for everything from baby swimming lessons to a class that featured an assortment of indoor sports. We’ve done ballet, and my daughter has gone running with me as I trained for a marathon. As I look at my friends and relatives, I realize that the sports that we learn to love in childhood … Continue reading