Stating the Obvious

Do you have an unusual child? Everyone’s child is unique and wonderful and beautiful, but it is true that some children stand out more than others. Some stand out in ways that we find positive – they are beautiful or very verbal. Some stand out in ways that people find unusual – they wear superhero costumes everywhere or they are very tall or very petite. Some stand out in ways that people find challenging. I am the parent of an unusual child. She has white-blonde hair and she is very tall for her age. She’s five and she is the … Continue reading

Parents of Kids with Autism Worry About Stigma

Parents of children who have autism, or Asperger’s Syndrome, are concerned. They worry that their child will now be stigmatized because of all the talk that indicated that the shooter in Connecticut had Asperger’s Syndrome. Autism Speaks has some helpful advice. Let me briefly summarize the background of this topic, for those who are unaware. First, there was the tragedy in Connecticut that happened when Adam Lanza went into an elementary school and started shooting. Following the tragedy, there were many responses. The President made a public speech. Several bloggers (myself included) wrote about some aspect of what happened. People … Continue reading

Even Financial Experts Make Money Mistakes

If you feel as though you have made a few financial mistakes, you are not alone. Most people goof up in ways both big and small when it comes to managing their money. Today, I thought that I would share with you some money gaffes that have been made by people that the “rest of us” look to for financial advice. Rather than discrediting the financial advice espoused by the individuals that made the goofs, I feel that the fact that they are able to fess up to having messed up makes these people real. It gives their advice even … Continue reading

What is Financial Abuse?

Abuse is a tricky topic that people are often not comfortable discussing. It can come in many forms, only some of which are obvious. Financial abuse is one of the ways that an abuser can harm their victim, and it is often directed at a spouse or domestic partner or an elderly relative. The effects of financial abuse can be devastating and can restrict the victim’s ability to leave the abusive relationship. In marital and domestic relationships, an abuser often uses one or more tactics to restrict the other person’s access to money. They accomplish this by stealing money from … Continue reading

Having Health Insurance Doesn’t Prevent Medical Debt

People buy health insurance because medical bills can be extremely expensive, especially if a person has a serious illness or injury. However, a study shows that having health insurance does not guarantee that you will not accrue a debt from your medical bills. Health insurance can help with some of your medical bills, but not all of them, and not all of the time. Health insurance can be confusing. It isn’t easy to understand exactly what kinds of treatments, services, and prescriptions will be covered by your health insurance plan, and which you will be expected to pay for out … Continue reading

Encouraging Friendship before Dating

Like it or not, eventually you are going to deal with boy/girl issues. To some, the way our family chooses to address this issue is radical. And then I’m sure to others, it’s not radical enough. But we all have to make a personal and family decision about how this area will be addressed. One of the things I can tell you, is that what I thought would happen when my children were still very young is no where close to that. What I have discovered is that you have to take each child and each situation and deal with … Continue reading

Expectations of Marriage

The success or failure of a marriage, I’d suggest, does have a lot to do with expectations of the marriage. Many times expectations are unrealistic and romantic. They have a dewy eyed view of marriage. Then when reality hits, it is hard to cope with. The reality is marriage is not all happy times and romance. Sometimes it can be hard. Be prepared for that. Sometimes you may still feel lonely or misunderstood. Don’t expect marriage to fulfill all your needs and expect that person to fulfill all your needs. This is an unrealistic expectation. No –one person can do … Continue reading

Your Family Is Tall Due To Genetics

I’ve always heard that if you want to know how tall a child will be, you should look at their parents. I think that a lot of people have held the belief that height, or lack thereof, runs in families. A new study reveals insight into the genetics that are involved with height. I am just barely over five feet tall, (five feet, three inches, to be exact). My mother and sister are both about my height, give or take an inch or two. My grandmothers were both short as well. On the other hand, a good friend of mine … Continue reading

Lack of Insurance Puts Wedding On Hold

We all know how important it is to have an adequate amount of health insurance. There have been numerous horror stories in the news about people who have a serious accident or illness, but who do not have health insurance, who end up being unable to pay their high medical bills. Is the risk of losing your health insurance enough of a reason to put your wedding on hold? For one couple, it certainly was! A marriage ceremony, no matter what it specifically involves, is extremely meaningful. For many couples, the wedding ceremony itself is the symbol of a lifelong … Continue reading

Estate Planning and the Step Family

For too many of us, estate planning is the thing we’re always going to get to but often don’t. It’s like flossing, but with exponentially greater potential for harm. I understand why we procrastinate, believe me I do, but a failure to act in this department can have a devastating effect on your family. Our financial planner had been after us to create an estate plan for a year; as we began preparations for an extended trip through Mexico, it seemed irresponsible not to have something in place. We contacted an attorney who came highly recommended, and blithely scheduled an … Continue reading