Louisiana Genealogy Resources

The motto of the state of Louisiana is “Union, Justice and Confidence”. Genealogists who want to gain a little confidence in their ability to discover more about their ancestors who lived in Louisiana will need some help with that goal. This blog has links to several Louisiana genealogy resources that you can use. Many of them are accessible for free! RootsWeb has a page full of links to Genealogy Resources on the Web. You can find links to information about Louisiana cemeteries, specific notable families in Louisiana, census records, and guides to other Louisiana databases. There are also links to … Continue reading

Balance Confidence With Humility to Ensure Success

While confidence is an essential asset for launching a successful home-based business venture, it is entirely possible to have too much of a good thing. When confidence gets too big for its britches and becomes arrogance, problems often arise that can ruin a home-based business’s chance at success. The key to staying confident yet preventing yourself from becoming overly confident is to balance confidence with a healthy dose of humility. Humility serves as a sort of reality check that helps home-based business owners prepare for problems that could arise instead of believing that they have planned the whole thing so … Continue reading

You are a PR person

Many businesses these days have PR or public relations people who are the visible face and voice of the business. They are the one who present a positive image to the world. They advertise it. But have you ever though that you are a PR person for your church firstly and for Jesus? I hadn’t thought if it quite like that until a friend recently said to me, ’You’d be a good PR person for your church. Oh hang on, I guess you already are.’ It’s true that those outside the church – our neighbors, friends, family and workmates are … Continue reading

The Mastermind / Entailing Personality Type

The “Mastermind/ Entailing” personality type, or the INTJ personality type, describes a person who is an Introvert (I), who perceives the world through their Intuition (N), who relies on Thinking (T) to problem solve and make decisions, and who views the world from the vantage point of Judgement (J). If you are an introvert, it means that you are more comfortable focusing on your own inner thoughts and ideas than you are with interacting with a room full of people, especially if you do not know those people very well. You like to use the logic and consistency to help … Continue reading

So Full of Confidence

My five-year-old is oh so full of confidence these days. Much of this confidence seems to be directed at me in the form of bossiness, demanding attitude, and “you are doing it wrong and I am right, Mom!” I thought that the teenage years started at 13, or maybe 10. Not 5. I know that like every other stage my daughter has gone through, this too shall pass. Everything passes, whether you are enjoying it or not. Becoming an individual involves sticking up for yourself when the authorities are wrong, and in our house, the authority happens to be me. … Continue reading

On Confidence

So much about being a parent of a new baby is about confidence. If it’s your first child, this confidence can take a while to develop. What is your parenting path? How do you best respond to the needs of your child? How do you negotiate the well-intentioned advice of everyone in sight? When I had my daughter, my only plan was to respond to her needs. In our family, this led to nursing on demand and bed sharing. It also led to gentle discipline methods – that is, when I am disciplined enough myself to follow through on my … Continue reading

Stop and Listen: Your Body Is Trying To Tell You Something

I think the reason that most of us are in need of losing a few pounds is that we do not listen to the tell-tale signs of our stomachs and instead listening to our minds. Food tastes good. There is no doubt about that. Most of us like food. I had always wished that I were one of those people that did not like food so much. There would be no problem then. If you will notice, most thin people do not like food that much and eat only to satisfy the need. They eat until satisfied and then push … Continue reading

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Reinvents Himself – Part I

We have a WWE clock in our garage that my husband has had for at least eight years. Every once in while when I am coming in from the car, I heard The Rock say “Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?” In case you haven’t noticed, what The Rock is cooking up is a new image for himself. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has gone from WWE superstar to movie star in a small amount of time and very successfully, I might add. He is even getting a new name – his old one. If you look at the … Continue reading

They are Called Growth Spurts for a Reason

During our first year of homeschooling, my daughter who was in the 2nd grade at the time finished her entire curriculum by Christmas. By spring, she was half way through her 3rd grade curriculum. I could not have been more pleased. This was the child that several teachers in a row insisted that she needed Ritalin. This was the same child that was incapable of sitting in a chair and did her work bouncing from foot to foot or with her butt in the air and her knew in the chair. This was the same child who was convinced she … Continue reading

Child Sized Vs. Full Sized–Which is Better?

In our family, we have the joke about the Easy Bake Oven. As background, we are a family where cooking and food preparation takes center stage. My kids have grown up in the kitchen and they are all three quite able to make an omelete or bake a cake and have been helping me out in their little aprons since they were toddlers. When my eldest daughter was elementary-school age, she so badly wanted an Easy Bake Oven and received one as a gift for Christmas from a grandparent. She used it once and when she saw how tiny the … Continue reading