How to Help Your Kids Fall Asleep

Sleep is important. We all know what it feels like to have to get up and start the day after not having enough sleep. Before parents can turn in for the night they need to make sure their children are asleep. What can you do if your child is resisting bedtime or getting up at night? Here are some ideas that could help your kids to fall asleep. How much sleep do kids really need? The National Sleep Foundation has some recommendations that are based upon the age of the person. Adults need less sleep than children and babies do. … Continue reading

When Your Child Doesn’t Want to go to Preschool

Your child has been happily attending preschool for a while now. He or she always comes home with a smile and a story about something fun that happened that day. Now, suddenly, your child has started to resist going to preschool. What happened? Here is a quick checklist for parents who are baffled by their child’s declaration of “I don’t want to go to preschool!” Keep in mind that it is totally normal for a child to decided that he or she no longer wants to attend preschool. There are days when you don’t particularly want to go to work, … Continue reading

Seasonal Sleep Solutions

While I love the warmer temperatures spring brings, I am no fan of what the added daylight does to my child’s sleep habits. As an active member of PADS, I cringe when bedtime rolls around.  There’s nothing I dread more than having to fight with a third grader about how “unfair” it is that she is forced to hit the hay before it is pitch-black outside.  Then there’s the drama surrounding my rule that she remain asleep until at least an hour after the sun rises. She can’t stand me for that one. But, when you are dealing with a … Continue reading

Little Eyes Are Fast Asleep

It seems the only “me time” I get these days is when Logan is fast asleep, even then it’s a little touch and go. This is often when I am up working on all of the things that I couldn’t manage to get done with a 4 year old that day, but it is also a time that I can relax, even if only for a few moments. We’ve been out of school for a few weeks now. For some reason I thought this would mean I would have more time to get things done. Somehow our days were just … Continue reading

The Reason Your Kid is Cranky

Forget about sex or sleep; for many parents it’s more like sleep or sanity. If your kid is not getting enough sleep, your sanity suffers. According to new research, a good night’s sleep is essential to keeping children on track. That may be the understatement of the year. For decades researchers having been touting studies that show well-rested children do better on standardized tests, get better grades and are better equipped to rationalize and control impulses. However, a new study, set to be published in next month’s issue of Pediatrics, takes the theory a step further by detailing what happened … Continue reading

The Early Years: How Much Do They Really Understand?

The age of your child at the time of your divorce has a profound impact on the way they respond to the changes in their life. Don’t expect them to understand everything that is going on, but be aware, they may know more than you think. Here is a guide to gauge how much your child comprehends the split during the early years and how to ease that transition on them. From birth to 18 months children can feel the tension in the home, but don’t understand the reasoning behind it. They may begin to show some signs of separation … Continue reading

Thumb Sucking in Preschoolers

Thumb sucking is a habit that begins innocently enough. Most times the beginnings are in the womb and due to the comfort it provides it may last up until the preschool years. As my child turned three and still sucked her thumb I wondered if that were normal. My other children either did not suck their thumbs at all or not past a year old. I envisioned my preschooler in Thumb Suckers Anonymous introducing herself as “Hi, I’m Kara and I suck my thumb.” The time has come to admit that my child is a thumb addict. There are days … Continue reading

Favorite Books for Preschoolers

Reading bedtime stories is a wonderful tradition. It is hard to keep up with it in our busy lives. I must admit that I do not read bedtime stories every night to my children. However, a story at the end of the day is best way to drift off to sleep. It is relaxing and a wonderful way to spend some quiet time with your children. Some books are classics and find their way into the hearts of children. Here is a short list of the books that are a favorite for the children in my home. Please share any … Continue reading

Taming Your Toddler

Recently my moms’ group hosted one of its informational luncheons. I wanted to get there early so I could try to get a highchair for Baby E. Daddy couldn’t find the second booster seat so I had to take the one that lives in the garage and hope for a highchair. I was so lucky; I got a high chair. Baby E sat in the high chair and Jessie in the booster seat. We had a table with a lot of good friends. Too bad the restaurant was having a bad day. My burger, which is usually the best, was … Continue reading

Lack of Sleep in Early Childhood Can Cause ADHD Symptoms

A study was done that focused on the affect of lack of sleep on preschool aged children. I bet that most parents can pretty much guess some of the results, based on how their preschoolers behave after not getting enough sleep. The more interesting part of the study reveals that kids who didn’t get enough sleep when they were preschoolers exhibited more symptoms of ADHD then were typical when those children reached kindergarten. What does your preschooler do when he or she is overtired? Many preschoolers who are lacking sleep can get giddy, giggly, and hyperactive. Your child who lacks … Continue reading