Reflecting Empathy

I am a very empathetic person. I say this not to brag, but because it is not always a good thing, especially when you’re parenting an emotional four-year-old. While empathy is something that we try to stir up in our children, especially when they are young and they are just discovering that other people have feelings, it’s sometimes a characteristic that I need to temper. I’ll tell you why. Lately, my daughter has been having a very hard time going to preschool and separating from me in general. This involves a vast meltdown into a screaming puddle of four-year-old. My … Continue reading

Tips for Becoming a More Empathetic Parent

No one every said that being a parent would always be easy. There will be times when your child’s behavior frustrates you (or makes you angry). Many people “lose their cool” when they feel stressed and overwhelmed. Children need parents who are empathetic to their needs. Here are some tips to help you become a more empathetic parent. There is an article in the Huffington Post titled “How to Be an Empathetic Parent, Even When It Feels Hard”. It was written by Andrea Nair. She is a psychotherapist and parenting educator who teaches people how to be empathetic. In her … Continue reading

Caution: Preschooler Ahead

I was a big, big kid. In fact, I was such a tall child that at nine years old, a neighbor down the street told me that I was too big to be trick-or-treating at Halloween, and that I should be ashamed of myself. By age twelve, I was 5 foot 8 and the boys in my class looked up at me in horror during square dancing class (yes, they make you take square dancing class in Canada). By the time I was fourteen, I swore that if anyone asked me if I played basketball again, I would scream and … Continue reading

Santa, Baby

We’re in love with Santa around here. Now, this is not my fault. Although I am a recovering elf who used to work with Santa in the mall, we haven’t discussed Santa much around these parts. That is, until my daughter met him in the mall the other day. Until that fateful day, we were almost Santa-free, and I was fine with that. Enough of the gimmes. Enough of the excess of consumerism that makes people go a little cuckoo this time of year. No, we were the simple Christmas folks who were all about family and not about stuff. … Continue reading

Age and Wisdom

There’s tons of research out there about how the ability to learn and remember declines as we age. Researchers are now starting to look at what our brains gain as we age: wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make sense of information and experiences. It’s not so much learning new things as making connections between old ones. Knowledge is important to wisdom, but it isn’t the only thing involved; other important factors include good judgment, insight, diverse life experiences, and empathy. Take a person who knows a lot, has seen a lot, and has done a lot… and you’ve probably … Continue reading