Preschool Portion Sizes

Despite my deep reluctance to engage in food power struggles with my preschooler, sometimes I find myself wondering if she is truly eating enough of some foods. I develop a nearly-irresistible desire to run after her with heaps of vegetables, forcing them into her at every turn. Now, I don’t actually do this. But maybe if there was a way to do it while she was sleeping, hmm, now there’s an idea! How much does your preschooler actually need to eat? You might be surprised. Preschooler portion sizes are a lot different from adult portion sizes. A preschooler’s portion sizes … Continue reading

How Much Water Should Your Preschooler Drink?

Preschoolers love to run around in circles…and rectangles, triangles, and anywhere else. They expend so much energy over the course of a day that they can wear their parents out. All of this energy expenditure needs food as fuel, but preschoolers also need water to function. Water is actually more important to your body than food – the majority of the body is made up of water. If your child is running around a lot, she might not sweat like an adult, but you can bet that she will need water. Water is needed so that your body can expel … Continue reading

Defusing Food Power Struggles With Your Preschooler

Preschoolers are all about defining themselves in relation to the rest of the world, especially their parents. This can show up as a power struggle, and it’s a sign that your preschooler is becoming his own person. But when the power struggles come to the dinner table, parents can struggle with balancing their child’s need to define his food preferences and the need to have that child eat a healthy diet. A diet of chocolate and chips might sound desirable to a preschooler, but it doesn’t cut it nutritionally, of course! How can you opt out of the food power … Continue reading

Snack Attack: Tiffins, Bentos and Other Cool Snack Containers for Your Preschooler

I don’t know about your preschooler, but mine has a randomly occurring attack of the food fussies. This is especially acute during the Christmas season, when sweets abound. While vegetables and fruit are not in short supply around our house, the sweets are calling in a big way. Soon they’ll be leaving our house in the form of cookie baskets, and all will be well. However, we do have ongoing food fussy issues in our house. Some are understandable: I remember despising onions and tomatoes as a child. Others are a little mysterious: my daughter’s extreme dislike of mixed foods … Continue reading

How to Make Fluffy Chicks for Easter

My dream house includes an entire room dedicated to crafts. Unfortunately, my dreams have yet to become reality, so I have to make do with a craft closet, rather than an entire room. Regardless, of my cramped quarters I always make sure I have at least a couple bags of pompoms (in varying sizes) on hand. The fuzzy little balls of fluff are extremely versatile and come in handy when crafting everything from miniature pumpkins to adorable Easter chicks. POMPOM EASTER CHICKS Materials: Bag of medium-sized yellow pompoms Goggly eyes or black beads for eyes Craft glue Scraps of orange … Continue reading