Preschool Etiquette: Opening Gifts

It is an exciting time of year for most preschoolers with many looking forward to opening Christmas gifts. Small children just cannot wait for Christmas morning when a bunch of gifts are set before them to tear into. The excitement their little faces when they open the gift they have been waiting for or an unexpected surprise. They show such joy just opening a simple gift. Conversely, they show their true emotions when opening a gift they do not like. Sometimes they can be quite vocal or simply turn their nose up and say nothing at all. The last thing … Continue reading

Preschool Etiquette: Table Manners

One of the most popular areas of teaching etiquette is table manners. We all want to sit and eat with others who are clean, respectful, and enjoyable to be around. Poor table manners can turn a lovely meal into a disaster. Kids have a hard time understanding why they shouldn’t spit out food they don’t like or yell at the table. Kids have a tendency to do as they please. So it is a parent’s job to instruct them and teach them the table manner rules. Table Manner Rules Sit while you are at the table. Do not stand on … Continue reading

Preschool Etiquette: Sharing

Sharing can be hard to do. I know I find it difficult to share some of my things so I understand how hard it can be for a child. We have trouble sharing because we fear the other person will break it or lose it or even keep it. The fear is that we will lose that thing we hold dear. It may not always be out of selfishness that a child does not share. It can be fear or because an object is dear to him. It is okay to have things we do not share. However, our overall … Continue reading

Preschool Etiquette: Cleaning Up

Playing and making messes are great fun. Cleaning and picking up toys are not. It is no wonder children dislike cleaning up. They use all their energy to play and once it is time to clean up they are tired and bored. Often they are overwhelmed or do not know where to start. Sometimes they just find it plain boring. Well, we do not have to make everything interesting to lure a child to do it. Sometimes a task is boring but necessary. Sometimes you are tired and overwhelmed but still have to get a task done. Is this too … Continue reading

Preschool Etiquette: Being Kind

This week the lesson in etiquette will center on teaching kindness. Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Most people can improve upon being kind to one another. Our days are rushed and we find we are short on time, patience, and energy to practice kindness. Kindness, however, should be the reflex not a forced action. In order for this to occur we need to teach it to our children through example and taking opportunities to express it. Ways to be Kind To understand kindness one needs to know what it means to be kind. … Continue reading

House Rules

Posting House Rules is a great way to communicate expectations of behavior and actions from every member of the family. It makes the rules less personal and keeps everyone on the same page. A child can easily refer to the rules that are posted rather than wonder if she will get in trouble or what the punishment will be. The lines are clearly drawn giving both the parents and children a sense of pride and security. House Rules are rules that apply to all members of the family at all times. The rules are not intended to diminish the parent … Continue reading

Do Your Kids Need a Manners Makeover?

One of my preschooler’s favorite animated shorts on Playhouse Disney is called “Can You Teach My Alligator Manners?” In it a little boy is challenged with the task of teaching his pet alligator Al how to behave properly. Young viewers help Mikey to instill good manners in his scaly sidekick by answering questions, such as: What should Al do when playing on a slide at the park? A. Shove the other kids off, so he can have a turn B. Sit at the bottom of the slide to prevent anyone else from going down C. Take turns My daughter loves … Continue reading