Why Your Pre-Teen Quit Playing Sports

One way to encourage your child to get a healthy amount of exercise is to make it fun. Sports offer kids the ability to exercise while having fun, the chance to learn how to play as a team, and a good way to develop athletic skills. Despite these benefits, 70% of kids quit sports by the age of 13. Here are some reasons why that happens. It stopped being fun. Have you ever watched kindergartners play soccer against another team of kindergarteners? What happens is both adorable and amusing. They sit down when they get tired, and start playing with … Continue reading

When Parents Play Favorites

Which one of your children is your favorite? This controversial question is one that most parents cannot answer. They love all their children equally (as they should). Problems arise when parents make it clear that they have a favorite child. Those same problems come up when a child perceives that his or her parents are playing favorites – even if the parents are not actually doing that. A study done by Alex Jensen (and others) found something that could be really troubling to parents. It is entirely possible for parents to treat all of their children equally and still have … Continue reading

Extending the Lesson on Goodnight Moon

Goodnight Moon is an American children’s book written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd. First published in 1947, this book’s popularity, charm, and quality still remain constant to this day. All of my children proclaimed this book to be a bedtime favorite at some point. The book is simple, sweet, and a wonderful way to gently lay your children down to sleep. Due to how loved the book is by so many children it is a great place to start a book study for little ones. Creating lessons from favorite books will encourage your child to read and … Continue reading

4 Frugal and Free Easter Goodies for the Kids

Celebrate Easter and thrill your little ones all while still staying frugal. Like so many frugal practices, it not about doing without but in how you go about getting what you need. Even the Easter Bunny is tightening its belt these days, it seems. Here is some advice that will keep the Easter bunny on track no matter how many little ones he has to deliver to. Baskets If you don’t already have the baskets you need around your home, just get creative. An inexpensive sand bucket usually costs less than an Easter Basket and is a bonus toy that … Continue reading

Opposite Sex Friendships: Playing with Fire

I’ll warn you ahead of time.  You may not agree with anything I have to say in this blog.  In fact, you might think I’m living in the dark ages…but that’s okay. The issue I’m talking about today is friendships with the opposite sex.  But please understand ahead of time that I am coming at this from the angle of seeing the destruction it almost cost my marriage and the fact I have been married for 21 ½ years. My opinion is that having a friendship with someone of the opposite sex is playing with fire.  Think about how many … Continue reading

Why Pets Aren’t Good Presents

This goes without saying, but you can never say it too often because it happens every year: don’t give pets as presents.  If you’re thinking about gifting a pet to someone you love this year, consider very carefully.  Pets are lifelong commitments and responsibilities, not fun presents. Now, I can think of one context in which it could be OK to give a pet for a present: if the person receiving asked for it, knew that’s what they were getting, and understood the responsibilities involved.  That means in most cases, it’s not appropriate to get pets as gifts for children: … Continue reading

Using Play Doh to Teach Preschool Lessons

Play Doh is one of my favorite preschool activity toys and art mediums. Mashing the dough can creating people, ice cream cones, pizza, and animals, is as much fun for me as the kids.  I am not sure what came first, the lessons I developed using Play Doh or my desire to play and the need to make it count as part of my lesson plan.  Nonetheless, I have come up with a way to play and learn.  Now, when my husband comes home and finds Play Doh mashed in the carpet its all good. In all seriousness, using a … Continue reading

Oh The Ways That They Play

As your toddler grows, he or she can learn to play in different and more challenging ways. Teaching toddlers basic games like tag or hide and seek is a fun way to play together and help your toddler learn new things. The other day, I laughed so hard as I started teaching Dylan how to play hide and seek. First of all, it is so cute to hear him counting, even though the numbers are not quite in the right order. Also, since it takes time to learn how to play a new game, he was having a little trouble … Continue reading

Are You Tired of Playing Referee?

Do you look good in stripes? Most women shun wearing clothing covered with unattractive lines, yet when they have kids it seems they are forced to don the referee uniform more than they would like. After a while, though, some refuse the task and leave it up to their warring offspring to solve their own disputes. How often do you allow your children to resolve their own clashes? Moreover, how often does the technique work? Personally, I am not opposed to having children resolve issues amongst themselves. However, I think you are kidding yourself if you think young children possess … Continue reading

Who is Jane Goodall

Every Sunday in church, the children get a handout that makes them think about how to become better, more caring people. Today’s handout listed four individuals that parents were to tell their children about. There was the Dalai Lama, Caesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, and Jane Goodall. We talked about all four, but as I was explaining who each was, I wondered how many adults know who Jane Goodall is. Goodall has spent the last 45 years of her life working with chimpanzees and it all started with a gift from her father. When Goodall was young, her father gave her … Continue reading