Meditations on Mud

Do you like mud? I mean, really? Would you jump in a mud puddle? Are your clothes ever dirty? Do you garden with gloves on? Me, I like mud. My daughter, not so much. My husband is actually the fastidious one around here, which is excellent because he does most of the floor sweeping. I would be living in a thick layer of mud if it weren’t for my more fastidious family. I’ve been thinking about mud and dirt the last few days. By dirt I mean messy things, not just soil. I work with preschoolers, and I work outdoors. … Continue reading

Spring Peepers

What can you do with your preschooler to celebrate the arrival of spring? The days are alternately balmy and chilly here, but spring has come, at least in the animal world. Here are a few ideas of ways to enjoy spring with your preschooler. You can look for frogs. In our neighborhood, the echoes of frogs are drifting down the street this time of the year. It’s lovely. My daughter and my husband went up to the local pond to visit them one night, complete with a trio of neighbors and a flashlight. If there are ditches near you, you … Continue reading

Addressing Fears

I’m afraid of horses. No, I wasn’t a horsey girl at all. Horses are big and they can throw you or step on your feet. I know that horses are lovely animals, but I am still nervous around them. I think that this is sensible. Others might think that this is a little ridiculous. The same goes for all of our fears. It’s easy to think of others’ fears as a little ridiculous. You don’t own those fears. Maybe your preschooler is afraid of the thunder, like mine is. Of course, you know that thunder won’t hurt you, even if … Continue reading