Leaving Room for Preschool Messes

I am in awe of my neighbor’s home. Truly, it is a thing of beauty. She has two children, double the number I have, to be precise. Yet her living room is free of visible clutter, even when I walk in the door unexpectedly. Maybe she has a magic broom. I’m no hoarder, but my daughter’s stuff does threaten to take over our home regularly, I’d say more than once a day. In our living room we have a side table that holds dress ups, and many of the toys are collated in neat baskets in an Ikea cabinet. However, … Continue reading

The End of the Day Blues

If you’re a parent who works outside the home, how do you deal with the end of the day with a preschooler? The end of the day is a rough sort of time, especially if your preschooler no longer naps. Perhaps you pick up your preschooler from relatives or from a child care center. Maybe your preschooler is at home with a nanny. You arrive home. The house is in various stages of disarray. Dinner needs to get on the table, likely half an hour before the present time. Your child is whining and needs you to undo her shoes, … Continue reading

I Collect Rocks

Today we went “treasure hunting” at my parents’ house. They are decluttering and I am trying to help, although it appears that helping also involves me taking home a lot of stuff. I’m an alternate lover of used goodies and impetuous pitcher of said goodies. For an entire hour, we catalogued and put away my little brother’s rock collection. He hasn’t lived there for seven years, and the rocks were beautiful but very dusty. He was determined to become a geologist and had a rock and fossil collection that was amazing in its breadth. As a child and a young … Continue reading