Get Ready for Kindergarten

Now, that my daughter is in preschool, kindergarten seems years away. But, in reality, it is only a few months down the road. This will be my first child entering Kindergarten, so I didn’t know much about the process of getting her enrolled for school. After talking to a friend yesterday, I had a little panic session. I live in an open-enrollment school district, meaning that I can apply to enroll her into any kindergarten classroom in the school district. Preferential treatment is always given to people living within a school’s boundaries, but it does leave some room for some … Continue reading

Homeschooling Kindergarten

This homeschooling year will be significant as I have one child entering her first year of junior high and another starting Kindergarten. This will be my third time teaching Kindergarten. I am so grateful that I have one more time to teach it after this. Teaching Kindergarten is one of my favorite things. I just love the finger paint, art projects, reading lessons, math lessons, hands on activities, and curiosity about the world these little students possess. Kindergarten is the time to build future students who are curious, creative and critical thinkers. But don’t let that pressure you one bit … Continue reading

Entering Kindergarten

I must admit it: I have a bad attitude. Although I attempt to be enthusiastic about my child’s upcoming educational career, I grieve the end of our close relationship. Yes, I work outside the home, but I am home with my daughter a fair bit as I only work part time during the day. We have adventures, we sleep in upon occasion, we go to fun classes, and our days are pretty much our own. This is the luxury of having a preschooler, and an only child at that. It’s a joy to be with my daughter, and I really … Continue reading

Why I Support Tennessee’s Kindergarten Cut Off Date Proposal

My last article discussed the proposal that Tennessee government will be voting on in the next couple of weeks. The proposal suggests moving up the cut off date for the birthdays of children who will be entering kindergarten next year. The current date is the last day of September. The new date would be the first day of September. This means that kindergarten children would be required to be one month older to enter kindergarten. In my last article I began talking about why I hope that the proposal passes. My first reason was a personal reason. As of the … Continue reading

Entering Middle School

Many parents make a huge fuss over their child beginning preschool or kindergarten. My daughter will begin preschool this year and I have covered all of the basics when it comes to ‘overdoing’. I see parents come into kindergarten the first day with cameras and video recorders. As the years pass by the excitement and involvement tends to dwindle down. The children are dropped off at the door and no pictures are made. By the time the child reaches middle school, all excitement is pretty much gone. However, during these years children need the support of their parents more than … Continue reading

We Did It – She Graduated Kindergarten

Yesterday was a very poignant day for me. Karri spoke a few weeks ago about Kindergarten graduations and I have to admit that while I don’t totally disagree with the idea of celebrating mediocrity as we mark these days of passing from the K hallway to the 1st grade hallway – it was still a wonderful and it was sad and it was fun and I laughed and I wanted to cry. My husband described it as a great moment; a moment that said not only is she a school age child, but that she’s done. She’s no longer a … Continue reading

Kindergarten Pre-Registration

At the end of this month, my school will hold kindergarten pre-registration. Schools have a kindergarten pre-registration day in order to gain an idea of how many new children will be entering the school. Principals and teachers can look at current numbers in all other grades to determine how many children will be in first grade and up. Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten are the only two grades that have pre-registration in my district. At kindergarten pre-registration, parents must provide the teachers with some very important pieces of information. Children cannot pre-register for kindergarten without a birth certificate, social security number, physical, … Continue reading

CurrClick Online Classes

Homeschool Live Online Class {at a glance} Product: CurrClick Live Online Classes Format: Connects using Adobe Connect Grades: Kindergarten thru High School depending on class chosen. Classes: Science, Math, English, Foreign Language, Art, etc. Teachers: Qualified and screened teachers, CurrClick publishers, and homeschool parents. Cost: Varies on class chosen. What are CurrClick Live Online Classes? CurrClick Live is a division of CurrClick the site for downloadable curriculum in a click. CurrClick Live offers a variety of  homeschool online classes. If the prospect of entering into the world of online learning is overwhelming, then let me alleviate your fears.  The site is easy to … Continue reading

When the Bullies are the Other Parents

A study was done that showed that children and teens are getting bullied specifically because they have food allergies. In many cases, the bullies are other students at the school. Unfortunately, it has become clear that there are situations where the other parents are the ones who are behaving like bullies. In August of 2011, a controversy broke out at an elementary school in Florida. A seven year old girl, who was in first grade, had an allergy to peanuts. After Spring Break, students arrived at the elementary school and learned that new rules had been put in place. The … Continue reading

Easing Back-to-School Anxiety

It’s the day tissue manufacturers wait for all year: The first day of school. In just a few hours, millions of children from coast-to-coast will bid farewell to summer as they return to class for the new academic year. Whether your child is entering kindergarten or his senior year of high school, the first day of school can feel like an emotional roller coaster ride complete with excitement, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. Aside from cold season, this is the time of the year when makers of facial tissue are at their happiest. After all, not only are millions … Continue reading