Starting Preschool

We thought the time had come to start school and enrolled Jessie in the nearby Montessori school. I was so excited about this school. I thought Montessori was the right method for Jessie. We paid the enrollment fee and had the tuition ready. When the school sent out its calendar with the start date, I decided that neither Jessie nor I was really ready for her to start school. She was only two. Jessie was still receiving services through ECI, but those services were ending when Jessie turned three. Then she was supposed to start receiving services, if she qualified, … Continue reading

Easing Preschool Drop Off

Oh, the trials of preschool drop off. Last year at this time, my daughter was suffering from a full-blown case of separation anxiety. I ended up making a very, very gradual transition into preschool, staying at her side, then in the room, then downstairs, and finally leaving. I really do not want to go through that sort of intense experience again. Today, I drop her off at kindergarten for the first time. We’ve had a gradual entry for a few weeks and this is the week that she is officially registered. Of course, there were a fair number of tears … Continue reading

Going Away

I went away. In my five years of being a parent, this has never happened before. Sure, I have gone away for a long time during the day, and occasionally my husband has tucked my daughter in at night, but this has never, ever happened before. I had to go to a meeting out of town, and it was physically impossible for me to do so unless I stayed overnight. I tried to get out of it, really I did. However, I realized that I was going to have to go, so I started the advertising. My daughter would be … Continue reading