Preschool Health: Constipation in Small Children

Constipation is uncomfortable and often painful. It is hard to watch your child struggle with bowel issues due to how miserable it can make one feel. The best way to alleviate constipation is to avoid it. However, kids have a mind of their own and controlling when they go potty can lead to constipation issues. Parents need to be aware of the causes, treatments and preventative measures to keep their child healthy. Thankfully, the treatments and remedies are not harsh and normally natural means are effective. If you suspect an underlying problem or if your child is having an especially … Continue reading

Fine Dining for Camping: Not Your Mother’s S’mores

I’m sure some of you have noticed a week long absence in the food blog. Our family went camping last week–and we have survived it well enough to come back and tell you what we ate! Okay truthfully, we chose a camping spot that was close enough to my in-laws that if we had issues we could flee to refuge! The first night it poured buckets and buckets of rain and so we spent the night inside the centrally air conditioned home of my lovely in-laws. However, we did make it out the subsequent night and went to town on … Continue reading