Summer Bites

Backyard barbeques, picnics in the park, swimming, sunning, and swinging with friends until sunset; there’s so much to love about summer—minus the bugs. Despite the use of expensive sprays, fancy candles and other popular pest deterrents, my 8-year-old is covered with bug bites.  Living in northern Wisconsin, which is blanketed with forests and other havens for flying blood suckers, doesn’t help; however, this summer’s battle against the bugs seems to be a bit fiercer than in years past. Currently, my mom radar is set on mass insect detection.  I am on especially high alert for deer ticks, which can spread … Continue reading

Bug Bites Be Gone

My 5-year-old recently came home from school with a bug bite. Bug bites at the end of September? I’m not an entomologist, but it looks like a mosquito took a hit from her eyebrow. I was a bit shocked that she got bit so late in the season, but we have had an unusually warm September, so I guess the bugs have decided to stick around. Too bad. I was hoping our days of being buffet options for hungry bugs were over for the year. Apparently not. This means that I have to dig out my DEET-free insect repellent once … Continue reading

5 Reasons to be Thankful it’s Winter

It seems like all anyone in the Midwest can think about this time of year is when spring will arrive. Now that it’s March, you might you might mistakenly expect spring to begin making its entrance. It might be happening other places, but it’s not happening here in the good old Midwest of the United States. It’s one thing to survive a long, cold winter as an adult. It’s another thing altogether trying to survive it with a baby. An adult can handle a long walk in 20-degree weather to maintain her sanity. A baby can’t. If you happen to … Continue reading

Great Uses for Toothpaste

Sometimes we wind up with a lot of tubes of toothpaste. For our family, we kept getting free samples in the mail. And then we would purchase one, perhaps a new flavor, and nobody would really like it. So I began researching ways to use toothpaste for other things besides just brushing my teeth. Burns Toothpaste is awesome on a burn. It helps relieve the burning feeling, and it’s like an instant cool. Do not use on open blisters or bad burns. Polisher You can use toothpaste as a silver polisher. It also works to help get scratches off CD’s … Continue reading

Diet Delusions

Do you have diet delusions? According to a new book by Elizabeth Somer called 10 Habits That Mess Up A Woman’s Diet – we’re all delusional. I’m hoping she means that in a good way. Essentially, most of us claim that we eat healthy. Yet, statistics with regard to the overweight and obese tell a vastly different picture. Somer calls dieting the American obsession; but women eat more calories than they think they do. Great, I love hearing that I am not doing what I think I am doing and I’m actually doing worse than I thought I was. Not … Continue reading