Free Range Parenting – Letting Kids Roam Free

There’s a parenting style in the news that has gotten some attention lately. Its called free range parenting. The basic concept is that children should be allowed to roam free while they are unattended by their parents (or other adults). This parenting style was common in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Today, it appears to be causing some controversy. Parents Alexander and Danielle Meitiv are practicing free range parenting. It is pretty much the opposite of helicopter parenting. A helicopter parent wants to hover over their children and step in at the first signs of a problem. A free range parent, … Continue reading

Bravo’s “Extreme Guide to Parenting”

How would you describe your parenting style? Some parents will answer that question by stating that their parenting style is traditional, or conservative, or “old-school”. Others might explain their parenting style as “eclectic”. They take some ideas from how their parents raised them, and add in some new concepts that have become popular in the years since they were children. No matter what your parenting style happens to be, it is unlikely that it matches up with the parents on Bravo’s new TV show “Extreme Guide to Parenting”. Season one featured 10 different families whose parenting styles have been described … Continue reading

Disney Star Demi Lovato Admits to Cutting

I know that some of us tend to enjoy the demise of Hollywood stars. That has become quite obvious considering the number of people who have actually paid money to go see the crazy antics of Charlie Sheen. There is this fascination with seeing the famous fall and most of the time, it is not only to their detriment but it is to the detriment of others, especially impressionable teens who sometimes look up to these stars. Whenever a teenage star or idol “falls,” I am always concerned about the negative impact it may have but in a recent interview … Continue reading

MTV’s “Teen Mom 2” Star Arrested

I don’t know if you have seen the very disturbing video of a teen, Jenelle Evans that apparently stars in the MTV show “Teen Mom 2,” absolutely pummeling another teen. A group of people stand around egging it on until eventually they see that the teen being hit has had enough. Well the video went viral and it didn’t take long for the authorities to act on it. In all, three girls were charged. I don’t know what is worse to me…the fact that this teen is part of a show that chronicles four teens who are mothers, or that … Continue reading

“YouTube” Videos Demonstrate Cutting Techniques

Whenever I think about teens and cutting, my heart really aches. Sadly, my 13-year-old daughter has experience with two good friends of hers cutting themselves. I’m so thankful that she shared this with me because it gave us a good opportunity to really talk about why her friends were doing it and what the repercussions could be. According to a study put out by “Pediatrics,” there is an alarming new trend happening…teens and young adults are putting out “YouTube” videos that actually demonstrate how to harm themselves through cutting, burning and other forms of self-harm. This is just sickening to … Continue reading

Be A Star Parenting Technique

Time out has been the accepted form of parenting and discipline for a while now. Parents all over turn to this technique now instead of spanking. Thank goodness! But, I heard of a different kind of parenting technique that is similar, but puts a little more positive spin on time out. A friend of mine is going to become a foster parent. In doing this, she and her husband are required to take courses to prepare them to take in kids. I think fostering is a noble, and wonderful thing to do. They are hoping that they will be able … Continue reading

Dating when You Both Have Kids–Part Two: the Clash of Parenting Philosophies

Have you ever been on a date with someone who was childless and thought to yourself: “If only he/she had kids, then he/she would understand?!” For some reason, it can be incredibly aggravating to listen to those who don’t have kids talk about what they would or wouldn’t do, or better yet–tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. But, just because we start dating someone who is also a single parent and has plenty of parenting experience–does not mean that the two of us will agree on how to handle behaviors, educational choices, and other parenting philosophies. I am … Continue reading

Are You Hanging On to Parenting Techniques and Strategy That Don’t Work?

Is it time you cleaned out your tool box and took a look at your parenting tricks and tools? Just as with anything, we can get stuck in a rut and continue using worn-out techniques, or trying to apply strategy to parenting our kids that either no longer works, or maybe it never really worked but we haven’t taken the time to find something better. How about doing some “spring cleaning” with your parenting skills? This Blog and the Web site here at is a good place to start brushing up on your parenting skills–with so many experienced parents, … Continue reading

Adoptive Parenting Traits, Part 2

This is the second in a series of blogs that discuss the traits that an adoptive parent of a special needs child must have. The person needs to be adept at adjusting to sudden developments, anxieties and hardships. All of these things will come, the only question is when. When one of our children came to live with us, he almost immediately started having fits and rages. It was unlike anything that I had seen before. The slightest upset, and frequently nothing that we saw, would trigger them. He had these episodes for up to an hour at a time, … Continue reading

Free Range Parents Cleared of Neglect Charge

It can be extremely frustrating to have someone criticize your choice of parenting style. Imagine how scary it would be to have the police tell you that your parenting style is considered to be a form of neglect. This situation happened to parents in Maryland – who have since been cleared of child neglect charges. It all started with a trip to the local park in December of 2014. Parents Alexander and Danielle Meitiv allowed their son and daughter to go to the park, and walk home, by themselves. Their son, Rafi, was 10 years old, and their daughter, Dvora, … Continue reading