A True Artist

Is your preschooler an artist? Tonight my daughter sat at the dining room table painting. She was mixing colors. She said that she was trying to make gold. Since she was dumping all of the colors into a big container and stirring, I can only assume that she meant brown, which is exactly what she made. Pressing blobs of paint onto green paper, she looked proud and said, “An artist takes care in her work.” Then she presented her father with her paintings as a birthday present. I wish that I had such confidence. At the moment I am taking … Continue reading

“Dreams Come True” in New Orleans

In my introductory blog from last week, I talked about how when I was young Disney films felt like a magical place of escape. Clearly I’m not the only one who thought so; now Disney offers us a chance to wander through the magic itself. “Dreams Come True – Art of the Classic Fairy Tales from the Walt Disney Studio” is appearing at the New Orleans Museum of Art from November 15, 2009 through March 15, 2010. The exhibition details the true artistry involved in the making of classic Disney films, highlighting the skill that made Walt Disney famous and … Continue reading

Budding Tattoo Artists—Writing on Clothes and Skin

I have been told that not EVERY child goes through a stage where they write on their skin and/or their clothes, but I do not know if I have actually met a child who hasn’t scribbled a little something on their flesh or fabric at one time or another. Depending on your views of such things, the behavior might be a really big deal…or not… I was one of those kids who tried out the ink drawings on my skin (and eventually amassed a bit of a genuine tattoo collection as an adult) and I used to jot messages and … Continue reading

A Blogging Mouseketeer

Working for Disney has long been a secret wish of mine, although I must confess that blogging wasn’t actually on the list of things I could do there! My real big dream job has probably now been replaced by technological advancements, which means that the animated movies are now in the hands of graphics geeks rather than old fashioned artists, so there’s probably not much call for someone to do the cell coloring anymore. A number of years back, to my great joy, I visited Disney’s MGM Studios on a day they were offering small classes in drawing Disney characters … Continue reading

Sweet and Sexy Travel Deals

If you love the idea of escaping February’s bitter cold to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your lover in the warm California sun, then you are going to adore these amazing travel deals. The following sweet and sexy Love Day offerings will warm your heart without burning a hole in your wallet: SWEET This sweetheart of a deal is being offered by the US GRANT hotel in San Diego’s historic downtown district.  From now through February 28th you and your true love can take advantage of the “Romancing the Epicurean” package, which features deluxe accommodations, two welcome cocktails, an edible “Artist’s … Continue reading

Could Your Art Become Your Home – Based Business?

If you are an artist, you may wonder whether creating and selling your artwork could become a part time or full time home – based business for you. The answer is yes, it can, if you promote your art so that would – be buyers can see it. While art is created wherever an artist creates it, art must be promoted in order for it to be seen by other people. When other people see your art, they can appreciate it. Even more than that, they can buy it. In order to make a full time or part time living as an artist, you … Continue reading

Don’t Miss Michael’s Coupon Bonanza!

If you have been procrastinating on picking up some fall crafts or Halloween decorations for your home, now is the to get them! Michael’s is having a Coupon Bonanza. You can print out whichever coupons you want, take them to your local Michael’s store, and save a lot of money! I got an email from Michael’s that said something about a “Coupon Bonanza”. Naturally, I had to open that email! True to it’s word, the email took me to the Michael’s website where a ton of printable coupons were waiting for me. These coupon are valid through October 13, 2012. … Continue reading

Which Peter Pan is the Best?

Charming is one word that we could apply to just about any Disney animated film, and even though 1953’s “Peter Pan” certainly is that, it’s devoid of charm when compared to the play/novel on which it was based. One of Walt Disney’s greatest strengths was his ability to take an older story and reinvent it for modern audiences. Doing so for “Peter Pan,” however, just replaces what is a wry and sweet sense of humor with silly slapstick, which seems cheap in comparison. A primary reason why Barrie’s book, and presumably his play, is so charming is its witty, very … Continue reading

Free Family Tree Templates for Frugal Genealogists

Many genealogists make artistic versions of their family trees. Before you can design one, you have to do the work. To start compiling your data, you will need a temporary family tree to write it down on. Here are some clues about where to find some free family tree templates. There are two options for genealogists who wish to create a family tree. One option is to go digital, and use software and genealogy websites that will help you to put together a family tree. The other option is the tried and true “pencil and paper” method. It is also … Continue reading

Last-Minute Homemade Gifts for Mom

Nothing says “I love you” more than a homemade gift from the heart. This is especially true on Mother’s Day. Think about it; moms are typically the ones nudging kids to the crayon box to craft gifts for others on special occasions, so think about how nice it would be for her to be on the receiving end of one of those handcrafted works of art made by tiny hands that developed in her womb. If you are the one in charge of getting the kiddos to work their artistic magic on mom’s gift, consider the following: RECIPE BOX Find … Continue reading